Have you had a chance to start your journey collecting stamps for the North Dakota Passport Program? If you enjoy flying, or more important,landing, then the Passport Program has just what you are looking for. After getting a program book, start collecting stamps at all 89 airports around the state and earn some prizes in the process. Always check NOTAMS and make a safety determination based on your skill, the aircraft you are flying, the current weather, and any other considerations you have prior to flight. If you arrive at an airport but are unable to land as a result of the weather, current field conditions or other reasons, you may request a sticker from our office to include in your book. If you have completed the Passport Program, you may be interested in learning that there are a number of other states with similar programs. Each has their own rules, but most are similar to North Dakota.
We have a couple of changes coming to the Passport Program that you should be aware of, if you have not yet completed the program. First, a change already implemented this year is the number of required airports. Some of our airport environments can be extra challenging. This may be because of obstacles, rough terrain, etc. We have changed the requirement to land at nine of the airports in North Dakota. The following airports are now considered optional for completion of the passport program:
St. Thomas
Pilots completing the Passport Program will not need to contact our office for a sticker, if you choose to or are unable to land at these airports.
An additional change that is in the works for the Passport Program is the addition of digital check-ins. This opportunity will eliminate the need to carry a physical book and receive physical stamps. Though we are not ready to go live with the digital program, it should be ready to go by this spring or summer. Watch our social media for more information. The digital Passport data will be collected through the AOPA app. Currently, functionality exists to check in at airports but these check-ins do NOT count toward the North Dakota Passport Program. Only check ins after the “go live” date will be eligible. Pilots will have the opportunity to use either method of collecting stamps and will have the ability to combine digital check ins with your physical book for Passport awards.
If you have any questions about the Passport Program, do not hesitate to reach out to the NOrth Dakota Aeronautics Commission office. I look forward to seeing many of you at the Passport awards Sunday, March 5, 2023, at the Fly-ND Conference in Bismarck, ND!
Mike McHugh, Aviation Education Coordinator
North Dakota Aeronautics Commission
701-328-9650 | mmchugh@nd.gov