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Chairman’s Comments

August 28, 2023 13:00 | Anonymous

Hello to all of you once again. I hope this issue of the Quarterly finds you doing well and enjoying a beautiful North Dakota summer! 

I have had the great pleasure these past few months to get out and enjoy summer flying in North Dakota. What a wonderful time of year to fly! Aside from dodging a few thunderstorms and showers here and there, seeing all the beautiful green fields and golf courses (my favorite) sure is a lot of fun! I even let my daughter take the controls of the Cessna 172 to see how it’s done. After a few roller coaster ups and downs, she got it figured out! Another aviator in the making?!

I would like to take this time for a thank you and a welcome. As of July 1, 2023, we have our annual changes to the members of the Board of Directors. As such, I would like to extend a huge thank you to our out-going board member, Ron Lundquist. Ron has shared his wisdom, knowledge, and expertise with the group and our organization in countless ways over the past two years, and we sure will miss having him on the board. Thank you again, Ron, it was great working with you.

Returning to the board for another two-year term is Jake Werner. He joined our board in 2020, and was re-elected this March for his second term. Thanks for throwing your hat in the ring again, and welcome back, Jake!

Filling out the second open seat on the board is Devin Cole. Devin was elected to the board in March for his first two-year term. We’re excited to have Devin join us and know he will bring a great perspective to the board. Welcome, Devin!

In other NDAA Board news, we are currently seeking to fill the Executive Director role. Our previously hired Executive Director accepted a full-time position, which would have made it difficult to fill this capacity as well. We wish her nothing but the best in her new role! With that, if you or anyone you know has an interest in being the Executive Director, please contact myself or someone else on the board. 

Aside from this, we are continuing to make plans for the 2024 Fly-ND Conference in Grand Forks, ND. We’ve got a great team heading up this effort, and it’s sure to be a conference you will not want to miss! 

I hope the remaining summer months bring you all great times with family and friends, and not too many sunburns! 

Take Care, Justin 

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