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  • September 26, 2023 12:18 | Anonymous

    By Ron Lundquist 

    Content Warning: Mention of Death, PTSD, Trauma

    It’s a subject that is still misunderstood, or at least poorly understood. Soldiers returning from World War I often called it “shell shock.” As time passed, it came to be known as PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. But PTSD, as we have come to learn, doesn’t just affect the military. PTSD is a disorder that develops in people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event, sometimes known as a critical incident. While it is quite natural to feel afraid during a traumatic situation, that fear can continue for days, weeks, or even years afterwards.

    I found inspiration for this article in two ways: one after visiting with a coworker, who is an airline pilot, and the other a family member, who also works in aviation.

    First, my coworker. He had been in a serious accident with his personal plane and his friend, who was a passenger, was seriously injured. My coworker blamed himself for quite some time. After all, he was supposed to be a “professional” - he failed (in his words) and his friend was hurt. His friend eventually recovered and never blamed him, but the feeling of guilt did not subside for my coworker. The traumatic memories and feelings associated with that event continue to haunt him, but fortunately he has somewhat reached a point where he can accept that nothing can be changed, despite it still being hard to talk about.

    A family member of mine also had an experience about 30 years ago that certainly could have caused PTSD symptoms. He had been on a “Go Team” - representing airline maintenance for a regional airline crash. As he explains it, he felt that he did not fully develop PTSD as a disorder but continued to experience symptoms akin to this. Sights, sounds, and even smells would trigger memories of working in the aftermath of that tragedy. Eventually, he was able to sit down and write his recollection of the event. This was done as a way to express how he felt during the event and helped him cope through it. Oftentimes in a safe environment, re-processing the event can be helpful, as exposure therapy has become more popular for intense PTSD. Even writing it down as he did, can potentially give a person suffering with symptoms a similar effect.

    Have you had an accident? In an aircraft or something else? Did someone get hurt or did it scare you? Did you bend an airplane? Did you witness or have something happen that haunts you (aviation or non-aviation)?  There can be a variety of events that can cause PTSD. Let’s review a couple definitions.

    Critical Incident:

    The definition can be different to different people but the reactions to critical incidents are quite often similar if not identical. In the aviation world, critical incidents are accidents or incidents that evoke very strong feelings in those involved. It can be the pilots, mechanics, accident investigators or their families connected with an accident who are at high risk for a stress reaction after a critical incident.  

    Stress Reaction:

    Stress reactions are physiological and psychological changes that happen in people that have been exposed to a stressful event. A stress reaction that progresses often turns into PTSD. People who have had a traumatic event often make the mistake of dealing with the aftermath on their own. 

     I’ll use a few examples from my personal life to help explain how PTSD can occur or be triggered. Years ago, I found a friend of mine dead. This obviously classifies as a critical incident that caused a stress reaction, and I was physically sick in my body. A few months later, there was a flood that surrounded my family’s house. For weeks I stayed at my home, not sleeping more than a few hours at a time, worried about the rising flood waters and what they would do. My symptoms were lack of sleep, loss of appetite, stomach pains, muscle aches, feelings of detachment and a general sense of hopelessness. I had taken a 30% pay cut at work and my dad had been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) a year prior. My cup was more than overflowing. Adding in my friend’s death to the mix, and this was a perfect storm for PTSD.

    I eventually went to a doctor, who was also a family friend. He knew what was going on in my life and conducted various medical tests. I still remember when he came in and said physically there was nothing wrong with me. He thought I had PTSD. I thought he must be joking, but he insisted that PTSD didn’t just affect those in the military. He urged me to see a counselor, to process it, but I never did. In retrospect, I should have but I thought, “I’m a guy, I’m tough, and I’m a pilot.” Pilots compartmentalize things, handle emergencies. This is what we do. Unfortunately, the stigma surrounding pilot mental health is so prominent.

    Being diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder like PTSD does not mean you are weak - and not being diagnosed does not mean you are strong. Things just are. Things just happen. In fact, you don’t even have to go through an event to experience these symptoms. Maybe your friend or a family member had been through something, and it ended up triggering something in you. Most experts agree that PTSD is not preventable, but what you do in dealing with it is the key. In my story, I continued to go to work and fly, and that helped me. It returned my life to something normal; I was in control again and it let me escape for hours at a time.

    The U.S National Library of Medicine says that PTSD does change several areas of the brain. The hippocampus (that controls emotion, memory, and autonomic nervous system), the amygdala (which processes fearful and threatening stimuli) and the prefrontal cortex (that regulates our thoughts, actions, and emotions) may all be affected by experiencing trauma. We don’t have much of a choice on whether these brain areas are affected. This happens in some people and doesn’t in others.

    After an accident or even an incident, we should be on the lookout for PTSD or at least be aware of related symptoms. If a fatality occurred (and you lived), one might experience survivor’s guilt. This can really trigger some PTSD symptoms that should be dealt with. The longer you put it off, it can manifest into a trauma itself. Often, we can’t see PTSD symptoms starting to develop in ourselves, but we may see it develop in others. Possible signs and timing of impending PTSD: This can be a very long list, but here are some that are common and hopefully easy to spot. 

    Death of a spouse, child, sibling, or anyone close. 

    An accident that you may (or may not) have caused, where serious injury or death occurred. 

    Witnessing a death, loss of pregnancy, natural disaster, or being a victim of a violent attack, such an assault or abuse. 

    Symptoms can include flashbacks, night sweats, insomnia, and panic attacks. 

    If you find yourself (or someone else) increasingly isolating from family and friends, this also can be a red flag. 

    Stress Management:

    It is possible to mitigate the effects of stress and your reactions to it. Remember, these are normal, you are normal and having normal reactions to a situation that is not. About 3.5% or roughly 8 million of the U.S. adult population live with PTSD. Of people diagnosed, 37% show serious symptoms. 


    Exercise is important to our overall health but especially within the first one to two days after a stressful or triggering event. Be sure to rest more than you normally do, as well as up your water intake. Reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake. Both hinder normal sleep and processing the accident/incident or trauma. Visit with friends and talk to people you trust. This can be the best healing action you can take. If you live by yourself, have someone stay with you for a few days. Try to keep the structure of your normal day. Follow your normal routine with eating, sleeping, and exercising. You may feel physically sore after an event. Psychological stress can bring this on. Do not make big life changes or decisions after a traumatic event. Make little ones to establish a feeling of control over your life. Seeing a counselor or therapist may also be helpful in processing emotions, as there are specified therapies for PTSD that will help reduce symptoms and allow you to get back to living.

    I’ve obviously only scratched the surface of this subject. There are so many things that cause PTSD and so many things we can do to deal with it. I’ve witnessed first-hand people struggling and experienced it myself. If I could pass along any advice at all, I’d say be aware after a big event (whatever you define that as) and just as important, watch your friends and family after they’ve been through something traumatic. There’s a lot of information that can help us help each other. Try and educate yourself on the warning signs. The person you may end up helping is yourself.

  • September 26, 2023 11:57 | Anonymous

    Air Race Classic sees UND’s team and the University itself climb high

    Sadie Blace, the copilot on UND’s Frozen Force Air Race Classic team, remembers visiting UND before deciding where she would attend college.

    “My tour guide had been on UND’s ARC race team,” said the sophomore from Mankato, Minn. “She told me if I came here, I should interview and apply to be on the team. That’s what I did, and here I am. It’s super cool how everything has come full circle.”

    For the first time in its 46-year history, the famed all-women air race started at the Grand Forks International Airport. It was hosted by the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences. UND’s Frozen Force team was one of 42 aircraft that took off the morning of Tuesday, June 20, and landed at the Homestead, Fla., airport on the afternoon of Friday, June 23.

    “The most important takeaway from our race this year is that the team successfully and safely completed the 2,333-nautical-mile trek in the four days allotted while inspiring pilots and soon-to-be pilots,” said Beth Bjerke, aviation professor and associate dean, who co-chaired the race start event with Liz Mislan, a UND aviation graduate and former ARC racer.

    Other members of UND’s team were pilot Grace Heron, a senior from Tampa, Fla.; navigator Tracy Mitchell, a sophomore from Billings, Mont.; and ground coordinator Ashley Almquist, a freshman from Bay Village, Ohio. The team was coached by Antonia Wagener, assistant chief flight instructor.

    Encouraging words

    Blace said all members of the team are very competitive, but they also enjoyed being on a team, working toward completing the same mission. But an important secondary mission was the outreach to encourage girls and young women to get involved in the aviation field.

    “A few years ago, the number of females in UND’s aviation program were around 9% and now it’s pushing 25%,” she said. “A lot more women are getting interested in the field.”

    Wagener praised the team for the way in which it represented UND while flying a safe, clean and complete race

    “They exhibited grace and resilience in overcoming many obstacles, mainly the weather,” she explained. “They encountered headwinds, fog, low ceilings, extreme heat and thunderstorms. That’s tough stuff for a race that needs to be conducted in visual conditions during daylight hours only.”

    In addition, Bjerke said UND’s team was instrumental in being one of the first teams to compete in the ARC’s new Electronic Data Monitoring Aircraft (EDMA) division.

    This new division is truly historic, and will help safely bring the Air Race Classic into the future by using aircraft flight data to track results and aircraft engine performance,” she noted. “This will give racers the ability to fly a much safer and cleaner race in the future. The ARC board kept this new division small this year with just five teams competing, but expects it to grow steadily in the future.”

    Paving the way

    Participating in the race and being involved in the development of the EDMA division provides valuable experience to young aviators, according to Wagener.

    “As an aviator, it is important to say ‘yes’ to any opportunity presented and to have new experiences,” she explained. “It could be flying a different airplane, flying into challenging weather, navigating mountainous terrain, flying into complicated or unfamiliar airspace or testing out personal limits.

    “The Air Race Classic tends to offer many of these opportunities,” Wagener continued. “It’s an experience that is sure to be a highlight of an aviatrix’s career, no matter what they accomplish in the future.”

    As an opportunity for personal and professional development, Wagener said that each year, she sees UND’s team members show growth, newfound confidence and increased maturity after completing the four-day race.

    “In fact, Sunday night at the terminus banquet in Florida, we were reminiscing about who these four women were as pilots when they took off on June 20 versus who they are as pilots that day,” she said. ”It’s definitely a noteworthy experience and something each teammate should be proud to have on their resume.”

    Welcome to North Dakota

    Another of Bjerke’s goals in hosting the race start was to have the approximately 100 race-team members from around the country receive a positive North Dakota, Grand Forks and UND experience. Based on the comments of those who took part in the events leading up to the start, it was a rousing success.

    “Everyone’s been so welcoming, and it’s really cool to see how proud you all are of your downtown,” said April Heppner, a pilot from one of Auburn University’s three ARC teams. “We got a very impressive tour of UND’s aviation facilities. There’s a lot of very cool things on campus.”

    articipating in her second ARC, said, “I wasn’t expecting everyone to be so nice in North Dakota. Everyone has just been so welcoming and kind.

    “People come up to us and ask us if we need help – probably because we look like we’re lost all the time,” she laughed.

    Auburn copilot Sophie Young said, “I’ve been taking pictures everywhere we go. Every single room we went into (at UND Aerospace), I was pulling out my camera and saying, ‘I’ve got to take a picture of this and bring it back to Auburn.’

    “I looked at all the impressive equipment, all these impressive simulators and all these classes UND students have,” she added. “I’m thinking about all the learning opportunities the students have here, and I want to bring them back to our students.”

    Graci McDaniel, pilot on the Southern Illinois University team in Carbondale, said, “I loved touring the Aerospace school; it was awesome. And I’m definitely taking notes for next year because we’ll be hosting the start of the air race.”

    It’s been amazing

    Linda Evans from Philadelphia, a member of the Keystone Fliers team, said, “It’s been amazing. The volunteers have been awesome. The event has been well organized.:

    “I’m just completely impressed with the University of North Dakota,” she added. “The program here is really unbelievable. I had no idea that it was so extensive with such wide variety of options for students to study.”

    Despite the contrast in ages and experience between the competing teams, Laura Doherty, a pilot from Connecticut with the Star Wings team, said, “Everybody in the room is a female pilot, which is something you don’t get to see very often. After reading the book ‘Fly Girls’ I decided to fly in the ARC.”

    One unlikely team, The Magpies, proved to be a perfect match. Colby Helppie-Schmieder, an 11-year Air Force pilot, wanted to fly the ARC while half-way through her pregnancy.

    “I was very determined to race this year because after having a baby, it’s difficult to make the time,” she explained.

    She and her teammate, Willie Mattocks from Buffalo, N.Y., had only met online before joining up in Grand Forks, days before the race’s start.

    “I knew that Colby was having a little one, but she didn’t know that I was a midwife,” Mattocks said. “It worked out pretty good. We’re in quite a unique situation, really. There have been a few pregnant ladies who’ve done the race, but I think we’re the first team with a midwife.”

    Opening more doors

    On the top end of the ARC experience scale was pilot Marie Carastro, 94, from Montgomery, Ala. She was part of The Flying Carastros team, which included her daughter Susan Carastro and granddaughter Danielle Carastro – all pilots.

    Marie flew in the 1960 Powder Puff Derby, a transcontinental race that was the forerunner to the ARC. Last week, she flew in her 19th ARC with three generations of Carastros.

    Marie became interested in flying around World War II, but found few opportunities open to women in the aviation industry.

    “I tried the airlines, and they said I could be a stewardess,” she remembered.

    Eventually, she found her way in through the Civil Air Patrol, an official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. During her 50-year stint in the CAP, she met her husband, an Air Force instructor pilot, who taught both her children to fly.

    “I have a very warm spot in my heart for the Civil Air Patrol,” Marie noted.

    One of the biggest changes she’s seen during her time in aviation is more opportunities for women.

    “I just think they’re very fortunate that there are many doors open to them that weren’t open at my time,”  Marie concluded.

  • September 26, 2023 11:51 | Anonymous

    North Dakota’s air travel demand during the summer months remains strong, as our residents and visitors take advantage of the state’s air service opportunities. 

    During the first half of calendar year 2023, North Dakota’s eight commercial service airports provided a total of 549,962 passenger boardings. This is a growth of 52,640 passengers, or an 11% increase, when comparing the statewide passenger counts to the first six months of 2022.

    “Positive demand and healthy aircraft load factors have helped to fuel optimism for the airline industry that is operating within our state,” stated Kyle Wanner, Executive Director of the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission. “I encourage both residents and visitors to utilize our North Dakota airports, as increased demand plays a crucial role in expanding flight services and enhancing destination choices for our communities.”

  • September 26, 2023 11:39 | Anonymous

    By Kyle Wanner, NDAC Executive Director

    Recently approved and finalized approximately $20 million in state infrastructure grant allocations to multiple public airports throughout North Dakota. These state grants are critical in maintaining the needed infrastructure to support the aviation industry, which is a major contributor to the state’s overall economy and standard of living. 

    $10 million of the total grant allocation was provided through funding that was made available for the first time through the Airport Infrastructure Fund. This fund was established as a part of the “Operation Prairie Dog” bill that was passed during the 2019 legislative session, in order to assist with the maintenance and development of the 89 public-use airports throughout North Dakota. The other $10 million allocation was made possible from the Commission’s Special Fund, where the primary revenue source is derived from state tax collections on aviation fuel and aircraft sales. 

    These state grant allocations also match and leverage federal grant dollars through the Airport Infrastructure Program (AIP), Bipartisan Infrastructure Act (BIL), and Airport Terminal Program (ATP.) It is estimated that throughout the 2023 construction cycle, North Dakota airport projects will receive approximately $65 million dollars through those different federal funding sources, which all require matching participation.

    Provided on this page is a listing of each of the public airports that received a state grant allocation, along with a description of one of their funded projects. A full listing of all of the airport grants and dollar amounts can also be found in the news section on the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission website. 

    Congratulations to each of the communities on their grant awards! 

    Commercial Airport Grant Awards:

    Bismarck - Construct Snow Removal Equipment Building

    Devils Lake - Reconstruct General Aviation Apron

    Dickinson - Crosswind Runway & Apron Pavement Maintenance

    Fargo - Design for the Commercial Terminal Expansion

    Grand Forks - Reconstruct Runway 9L/27R 

    Jamestown - Runway 13/31 Rehabilitation

    Minot - Purchase Snow Removal Equipment

    Williston - De-Icing Containment Improvements

    General Aviation Grant Awards:

    Ashley - Construct General Aviation Terminal

    Beach - General Aviation Terminal Heating System Improvements

    Beulah - Pavement Maintenance

    Bottineau - Airfield Pavement Seal Coat

    Bowman - Purchase Aircraft Towing Vehicle

    Cando - Airfield Lighting Rehabilitation

    Casselton - Runway Pavement Repairs

    Cavalier - Pavement Maintenance

    Cooperstown - Purchase Mower

    Crosby - Primary Runway and Lighting System Reconstruction

    Drayton - Pavement Maintenance

    Ellendale - Pavement Maintenance

    Enderlin - Replace Public Hangar Roof

    Fessenden - Concrete Floor for Public Hangar

    Fort Yates - Pavement Maintenance

    Garrison - Construct Security Fence

    Glen Ullin - Purchase Snow Removal Equipment

    Grafton - Design Taxilane and Apron Rehabilitation

    Gwinner - Access Road Rehabilitation

    Harvey - Pavement Maintenance

    Hazen - Airport Layout Plan Update 

    Hettinger - Rehabilitate and Extend Taxilane

    Hillsboro - Apron Reconstruction 

    Kenmare - Pavement Maintenance

    Killdeer - Install AWOS III P/T

    Kindred - Design Taxilane and Access Road

    Kulm - Purchase Tractor for Mowing/Snow Removal

    Lakota - Wetland & Cultural Field Study

    LaMoure - Pavement Maintenance

    Leeds - Runway & Taxiway Rehabilitation

    Linton - Pavement Maintenance

    Mandan - Construct Parking Lot & Access Road

    Mayville - Pavement Maintenance 

    Mohall - Construct Security Gates

    Mott - Construct General Aviation Terminal

    Napoleon - Construct General Aviation Terminal

    New Town - Design Runway 12 Extension

    Northwood - Construct Apron Expansion

    Park River - Airfield Lighting Replacement

    Parshall - Install Security Gate

    Pembina - Airfield Pavement Seal Coat

    Rolla - Pavement Maintenance

    Rugby - Construct General Aviation Terminal

    Stanley - Airport Layout Plan Update

    Tioga - Install Taxiway Lights

    Turtle Lake - Construct General Aviation Terminal

    Valley City - Purchase Snow Removal Equipment

    Wahpeton - Install Security Fencing

    Washburn - Design Taxiway Extension

    Watford City - Design Snow Removal Building

    West Fargo - Beacon Replacement

    Westhope - Runway & Taxiway Rehabilitation

    Wishek - Pavement Maintenance

  • September 26, 2023 11:28 | Anonymous

    By Janell Pederson, NDAC Licensing Specialist

    As the licensing specialist for the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission, one of my responsibilities is to collect aircraft excise tax and registration fees from aircraft owners. Let me tell you…it’s not always fun collecting tax. Who wants to pay more for an item they just spent hard earned money on?In my line of work… I have found that there is a grand total of ‘zero’ aircraft owners who ‘want’ to pay tax. Believe me, I’ve heard it all, some just use more irate voices than others.

    My job is necessary, however, as these funds are utilized to provide infrastructure grants so our communities may continue to maintain and develop the very airports that we all enjoy. Very similarly to the tax and registration that is paid to the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) for vehicle purchases for road development and maintenance, these funds serve the same purpose, but for our 89 public-use airports.  

    The Spring 2023 Fly-ND Quarterly introduced you to Hyral “Buddy” Walker Jr (pages 24-25.) I wanted to share a story of how the tax collector and the chaplain developed a friendship, after taxes were paid.

    I was introduced to Buddy because…I taxed him.  I reached out to him to let him know that a tax and registration was due on his aircraft and he really didn’t like that idea. We then communicated back and forth many times…. since we all know that it isn’t fun paying taxes. After understanding where North Dakota receives its funding to maintain our airports and realizing that there were no loopholes to be found, though several attempts were made, Buddy came around and has become a very good friend to us. Buddy is now heading back to Texas after retiring from the U.S. Air Force and being stationed as a Chaplain in Minot, ND. Before he left, he flew to Bismarck to meet with us in person. He has even been able to partake in the North Dakota Passport Program, where has been able to see first-hand some of the different airports that our state has to offer. We wish Buddy Blessings & Blue Skies!

    I now have an autographed issue of the Quarterly addressed to “My Favorite Tax Collector” – and you can find it framed at my desk when you come to visit!

  • September 26, 2023 11:20 | Anonymous

    Rodney Schaaf of Bowman, ND, was recently appointed by Governor Burgum to serve on the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission for a five-year appointment, which became effective on July 1, 2023.

    Rodney has been an active member of the North Dakota aviation community throughout his life. He became a pilot in the U.S. Air Force in the early 1970s, where his first assignment sent him to the Grand Forks Air Base as a KC-135 flight crew member. Following his honorable discharge in 1978, Rodney was hired as a pilot for Delta Air Lines and had a successful career until his retirement in 2004. 

    In 2007, Rodney was appointed to serve on the Bowman County Airport Authority, and he has acted as the chairman of the board for over a decade. In this role, he was instrumental in the planning, design, and construction of the new Bowman Regional Airport, which was opened to the public in 2015. 

    Rodney was also inducted into the North Dakota Aviation Hall of Fame in March 2023.

    “We are excited to welcome Rodney within his new role, where he will provide guidance and oversight to our work at the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission,” stated Executive Director, Kyle Wanner.

    His experience within the field of aviation will complement our work to grow airport infrastructure and aeronautical services throughout the state of North Dakota.

  • September 26, 2023 10:59 | Anonymous

    Aeronautics Commissioner Jay B. Lindquist has announced that he did not seek re-appointment for his position on the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission.

    Jay B. was originally appointed as an Aeronautics Commissioner in 1993. He has served in this position for the past 30 years and was appointed by multiple governors for six consecutive five-year terms. He is also the president of Air Dakota Flite, a full service, fixed base operator (FBO) and has a strong aerial applicator background, as he has been crop spraying for over 50 years. He has also served as the Manager of the Adams County Municipal Airport, in Hettinger, ND, for over 40 years. 

    Jay B. was inducted into the North Dakota Aviation Hall of Fame in 2012 and has been a tireless advocate for aviation throughout his lifetime. We want to thank him for all of his leadership and efforts in assisting the state of North Dakota with developing a strong, efficient, and safe aviation transportation system. 

    Thanks, Jay B!

  • September 26, 2023 10:51 | Anonymous

    More than 800 students from Bismarck/Mandan and the surrounding communities came to the Bismarck Airport to learn about many career opportunities. Thank you to all of the presenters! 

  • August 28, 2023 13:57 | Anonymous

    Here at the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission (NDAC), we are continually searching for new ways to share the aviation industry with students. Over the past 18 months, with the help of a workforce development grant from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), a collaboration of University of North Dakota Aerospace, the NDAC, and the North Dakota Aviation Association we have been sharing the industry with teachers, through a variety of professional development opportunities. In early June, we were able to bring approximately 30 teachers to the Minneapolis, MN, area to showcase career opportunities that could be available to students at a national level. 

    We had a great cohort of teachers, from a variety of backgrounds and subject areas, including everything from kindergarten teachers to school counselors. I believe our goal of showing them the opportunities they never knew existed was successful. The teachers learned a little about how the aviation industry functions, and a lot about the career opportunities in the industry. 

    Our experience included a visit to Alexandria, MN, airport to discuss opportunities at a General Aviation (GA) airport and included a tour of the airport and discussion with air medical pilots and flight nurses. Once in the Twin Cities, we visited Sun Country Airlines and Delta Air Lines. While a major topic of conversation (and tours) was centered around maintenance technicians, we learned about all of the jobs in the airline industry. We also brought the group to the St. Paul Downtown Airport and South St. Paul Airport to show some opportunities at other GA airports. 

    For many teachers, a highlight was our day touring the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP.) We learned about the many opportunities for an airport career, seeing firsthand the need for painters, electricians, plumbers, firefighters, biologists, caterers, equipment operators, and more. In addition, the operations crew at MSP brought our charter bus right out on the runway and allowed the group some time to watch airplanes and talk about what goes on to keep the airport functioning on a day-to-day basis.                                        

    Our goal was for these teachers to have knowledge of opportunities in the industry and share them with their students. We received feedback that there were many career fields in aviation that these teachers and counselors didn’t previously know were available. We hope many students will be exposed to the aviation industry through the educators’ experiences!

  • August 28, 2023 13:31 | Anonymous

    UND Aerospace welcomes 42 airplanes, 100 competitors to North Dakota

    For the first time in its 46-year history, the all-women annual Air Race Classic will begin its takeoff from the Grand Forks International Airport, an event hosted by UND’s John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences that will include a UND racing team.

    The 2,684-statute-mile competition across 12 states begins at 8 a.m. Tuesday, June 20, with 42 teams and 100 racers taking off from the Grand Forks airport. The competition ends Friday, June 23, at the Miami Homestead General Aviation Airport in Homestead, Fla.

    But before the racers leave Grand Forks on their way to Florida, they will be treated to a variety of events designed to make the most of their North Dakota experience. Beth Bjerke, aviation professor and associate dean, and Liz Mislan, a UND aviation graduate and former ARC racer, are co-chairs of the event.

    “We have been preparing to host this start for over 5 years, so we are going to make it one for the racers to remember!” Bjerke said. “We realize that for many racers this will be their first time in the state of North Dakota, so we have been busy planning some very unique North Dakotan/Midwestern themed events for the start.”

    In 2017, the ARC began discussions with UND about hosting the race start, which led to a Grand Forks start being scheduled for 2020. However, when the COVID pandemic shut down UND and the event, it was later rescheduled for 2023.

    “In a way, I’m glad it’s happening now because the aviation industry is stronger,” Bjerke said. “We have been fortunate to secure national corporate sponsors, as well as local Grand Forks organizations. The support for the race to start in Grand Forks has been tremendous.”

    Years in the making

    Bjerke emphasized the enormous logistics involved in welcoming more than 40 aircraft to the Grand Forks International Airport and UND’s aviation training facilities at the airport.

    “We are fortunate to have an amazing ARC Start Committee with Courtney Olson, Heather Schuler, Paula Bruse, Angie Panzer and Debbie Landeis, who have been planning and preparing for this event for years, as well as a large number of student and staff volunteers ready and eager to welcome the racers to UND and the state of North Dakota.”

    Bjerke also noted that UND is welcoming 17 collegiate teams to the state and will provide North Dakota hospitality, even though the schools are competing in the same arena.

    Members of UND’s 2023 ARC team are: pilot Grace Heron, a senior from Tampa, Fla., majoring in aviation safety, commercial aviation and sociology; co-pilot Sadie Blace, a sophomore from Mankato, Minn., majoring in commercial aviation and aviation management; navigator Tracy Mitchell, a sophomore from Billings, Mont., majoring in commercial aviation and unmanned aircraft systems; and ground coordinator Ashley Almquist, a freshman from Bay Village, Ohio, majoring in commercial aviation and aviation safety.

    Besides UND, the other 17 college and university teams represented are Auburn University, Indiana State University, Kent State, Kansas State University-Polytechnic, LeTourneau University, Lewis University, Liberty University, Middle Tennessee State University, Minnesota State University-Mankato, Ohio State University, Purdue University, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale and Western Michigan University.

    UND Aerospace is partnering with the Grand Forks Convention & Visitors Bureau and working with corporate sponsors and local businesses to provide a series of unique events before the race officially gets underway. A website providing information on these events is available here. Racers are expected to begin arriving this Wednesday.

    Members of UND’s 2023 Air Race Classic team from left to right are navigator Tracy Mitchell, a sophomore from Billings, Mont., majoring in commercial aviation and unmanned aircraft systems; pilot Grace Heron, a senior from Tampa, Fla., majoring in aviation safety, commercial aviation and sociology; ground coordinator Ashley Almquist, a freshman from Bay Village, Ohio, majoring in commercial aviation and aviation safety; and co-pilot Sadie Blace, a sophomore from Mankato, Minn., majoring in commercial aviation and aviation management. Photo by Shawna Schill/UND Today.

    A woman’s race

    The first event – called “Let’s Explore Aerospace!” – will be from 12:45 to 4 p.m. Friday on the UND campus at the UND Aerospace facilities. Middle-school-aged students can engage in hands-on activities that include the virtual reality flight lab, an air traffic control simulation and training to fly small drones. This event is currently full.

    Also, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Friday, “Soaring Through Downtown Grand Forks” offers members of the visiting race teams and the public an opportunity to experience downtown restaurants and businesses in Grand Forks and East Grand Forks. Businesses will be associated with historic women pilots who flew in the early days of the ARC.

    Florence Klingensmith, North Dakota’s first licensed woman pilot, raised money from Fargo businesses to purchase her first airplane. She was among the pioneering women pilots in the early years of aviation and air racing. She died in 1933 during an air race in Chicago. Photo courtesy Historical & Cultural Society of Clay County.

    On Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m., “North Dakota Welcomes Ya!” will be held in the Gorecki Alumni Center on the UND Campus. UND President Andy Armacost will give welcoming remarks. Guests can mingle to music while sampling a variety of favorite North Dakota foods.

    The Takeoff Banquet for ARC racers will be from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday in the Hilton Garden Inn and will feature a number of speakers who have been associated with the race and its historic past.

    Extolling the virtues of a favorite regional tradition, on Monday, June 19, the North Dakota Museum of Art on UND’s campus will host the “Midwestern Goodbye.” It offers an enjoyable evening of refreshments, appetizers and art.

    Takeoff day on Tuesday, June 20, begins with a breakfast for the flying teams from 6 to 6:30 a.m. at the Grand Forks International Airport in UND Flight Operations. At 8 a.m., more than 40 aircraft will begin taking off at 30-second intervals for the race. This event, expected to last about 45 minutes, is open to the public. Special parking areas will be designated at the airport. 

    Taking off from Grand Forks

    After takeoff, the field of aircraft will spread out as faster planes move to the head of the pack. Intermediate stops along the flight route are in Mankato, Minn., Ottumwa, Iowa, Hastings, Neb., Ponca City, Okla., Sulphur Springs, Texas, Jonesboro, Ark., Pell City, Ala., and Cross City, Fla.

    Although the race ends Friday, June 23, in Homestead, Fla., the final results won’t be announced until Sunday, June 25, during the ARC banquet in Homestead.

    The oldest race of its kind in the nation, the Air Race Classic traces its roots to the 1929 Women’s Air Derby (also known as the Powder Puff Derby), in which Amelia Earhart and 19 other female pilots raced from Santa Monica, Calif., to Cleveland, Ohio.

    This year’s ARC celebrates the 94th anniversary of the historic competition, marking the beginning of women’s air racing in the United States. Today, the ARC is considered the epicenter of women’s air racing, the ultimate test of piloting skill and aviation decision-making for female pilots of all ages and from all walks of life.

    The 42 teams of two or three pilots will have four days to complete the course, flying normally aspirated, piston-powered airplanes in visual flight conditions during daylight hours. Pilots and co-pilots must have at least a private pilot certificate and a minimum of 100 hours as pilot-in-command to qualify for the race; one of them must have at least 500 hours as pilot-in-command or a current instrument rating. If they wish, the pilot and co-pilot may bring along a teammate, who must hold at least a student pilot certificate.

    Because each plane receives a unique handicap, teams are racing against their own best time, not against one another. This creates a level playing field, enabling slower planes to compete against faster aircraft on an equal basis. Teams strategize to play the elements, holding out for better weather or seeking more favorable winds, to beat their handicap by the greatest margin.

    Official standings aren’t determined until after the last team has crossed the finish line, which means the last arrival at the Florida terminus could be the race winner.

    The 46th Annual Air Classic Race will cover a 2,400-mile-long flight route from Grand Forks, N.D., to Homestead, Fla.

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